Thursday, September 25, 2008

There is no teacher

There is no teacher. There is no teacher
Anymore. Not in here. Not in this mind.
The situation is dire, dire is my teacher.
There is no student. There is no student
Chasing the teacher through the alleyways.
My condition is critical, critical is my teacher.
There is no ancient framework, no ancient
System in which I work to justify everything.
There is no teacher because there are no problems!
No problems! Do not introduce chaos,
Chaos is my teacher. Do not introduce disorder,
Disorder is my teacher. There is no teacher
Anymore. No chalkboard, no classroom, no rubric.
No Book of Law, no Law of Book, no Homework.
There is no teacher besides the dawn and the day
And the woman and the baby and their cries.
There is no teacher. There is no teacher
Anymore. I am hereby released from my
Studies so I return redoubled to my studies.
I grade myself harshly, I usually fail, but I no
Longer give teachers my blood and money.
For there is no teacher. There is no teacher
Anymore. Fear is the teacher; go into fear.